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URL Change Notice and Request


The hostname in the URL of the KaPPA-View service, "kpv.kazusa.or.jp," has been changed to "kpv.kazusa-db.jp". Please update your URL in a link or bookmark, especially if it is used for API accesses. The previous hostname, "kpv.kazusa.or.jp," will expire completely in a certain period of time. See the details on this page.




Manuals and samplefiles are available here.


Contact Information

Team KaPPA-View e-mail: sakurai at sakurai.kazusa.or.jp (replace at to @)
Administrator and developing team of KaPPA-View in Kazusa DNA Research Institute and Sakura Scientific Co. Ltd. Please send your all inquiries to this e-mail address.


June 19, 2013
KaPPA-View service is resumed on a temporal web site.
Species 10
Maps 153
Compounds 1427
Reactions 1434
  Arabidopsis 2610
  Rice 3082
  Rice [RAP-DB transcript] 3928
  Tomato 1329
  Lotus japonicus 3311
  Soybean 1725
  Barley 742
  Poplar 2465
  Wheat 921
  Grape 660
  Maize 551
Correlation Data 
  Genes 17
  Metabolites 1